Version: 1230
  • Tidied up the formatting of fixed tables with column resizers
Version: 1229
  • Added a distance to site from current location of the lead rep to the diary and jobs panel.
  • Updated all 'sortable' table grids to allow resizing of the columns.
  • Fixed issue with booking events not working due to a global typo fix.
Version: 1227
  • Updated the calendar UI to include options on how it is displayed.
  • Reverted back to colour for the time spanner.
Version: 1223
  • Removed the colouring for the day diary time spanner so that its always grey.
  • Improved the UI of the week and month diary
  • Added a quick link to compact view for the week and month diary
Version: 1219
  • Added Avie to the document editor section
Version: 1218
  • Moved the Today, History and day/week view buttons up to the blank area to the left of the search dialogue to allow space for additional quick link buttons 'Route' and 'Pool'
Version: 1217
  • Added more references to Avie when creating an email, especially for Job Tickets
  • Removed the email signature from the system prompt for Avie so that the response does not reference it
Version: 1216
  • Moved AI config files to SQL
Version: 1215
  • Improved AI capability on invoices and purchase orders to extract specific numbers and references to use in the email to be sent.
  • Fixed a minor bug that prevented Avie from reading certain job ticket completion reports.
Version: 1214
  • Added AI assistance to the Job Ticket page helping to re word the engineers report.
  • Fixed a bug that automatically added a booked date to jobs not yet booked on the diary page un-booked list.
  • Bug fix where search result page 2 was unavailable.
  • Added stop words to Avie AI to further enhance the meaning of certain phrases.
Version: 1211
  • Further improvements to AI to include job ticket completion notes and job ref in the response.
Version: 1210
  • Improved appearance of AI markdown formatting.
  • Minor bug fix that made job complete show incomplete on the booking popup when the job was allocated to Job Pool
Version: 1206
  • Further work work on AI integration
  • Fixed bug that prevented the end time showing on new bookings.
  • Added the ability to log a day booking as no day booked back to the job ticket
Version: 1201
  • Added the ability to add all jobs to the Job Pool instead of only new bookings.
  • New booking type 'Pre Book' to allow adding an additional booked day where the date is not yet known.
Version: 1197
  • Prevented Tasks from creating multiple days when the task type is first set to holiday, a time range entered then the task type being re set to general where only one should be entered.
  • Bug fix on the background worker for email replies where it was looking for a UserID when there is no user.
  • Improved the rendering of the Company Logo when a PDF is generated. This was converting to a bitmap image first then using the Base64 data for the image. Its much quicker to use the image directly from file.
Version: 1196
  • Allow all users to see document history and who made the last edit.
  • Prevented document history adding duplicate copies on each save where no edits had been made.
  • Added more control over which service check lists will be enforced on the app by allowing to specify which job tickets that it will apply to.
  • Created options for the Public Service Log Card so that the detail and job types can be specifically selected.
Version: 1194
  • Allowed adding more than one installation per product.
  • Added informational titles to the Book a Visit dialogue and the Task dialogue. This is to help new users to determine which to use for what purpose.
Version: 1193
  • Bug fix where AutoMap failed to show all incomplete jobs.
  • Bug fix that caused rep signature VAT exemption section to hang if the paragraph was too long.
  • Added basic document templates when a new account is created.
Version: 1192
  • Bug fix that prevented page navigation for email subject search when the user has quick view popups switched off.
  • Added corporate email accounts to My Company that allow sending automates emails from specific company accounts rather than having to set up a dedicated user account.
  • Improved the formatting of Email Campaign document designer panel by removing un necessary detail from the page I.E. page margins and canvas details
  • Created default templates section for Email Campaigns. I.E. Debt Chase and Public Liability reminder templates. These will be added to new accounts on creation to give a quick start.
  • Improved SQL efficiency when calling for UserID, CompanyID and DbID. this will improve the overall speed of the system.
  • Added an option to view all sites from AutoMap with the ability to Book jobs directly from the map.
  • Improved functionality of the Quotes section on the Main Diary page.
Version: 1185
  • Created a welcome screen with important things to do when first setting up the system.
  • Added the Company Logo and Address details on to the initial stationary so that they use the uploaded logo and company address detail.
  • Created a new notification sent to the app for Task Reminders.
Version: 1182
  1.  Added Lead Owner to the sales quote report.
  2. Added a drop down list filter on the sales quote report to filter on lead owner.
  3. Included a radio button on the jobs diary panel to show only jobs in contract.
Version: 1181
  • Created a QR product code for Job Tickets #ProductQR#
  • Created a global company logo hash tag #CompanyLogo#
Version: 1179
  • Changed the booking popup service contract field to show the selected status even if there are no start and end dates (as if does on the site record)
  • Added the ability to edit the travel start time when using the booking times on the job tickets instead of the app response times.
  • Added half day holiday option.
  • Added product details to service quote report.
  • Re introduced the ability to send PDF job tickets automatically to the rep on site once the app option 'Leave Site' has been clicked.
Version: 1177
  • Prevent booking a visit if Job Complete has been toggled.
  • Improved background workers to catch errors created by attempting to access foreground data values.
  • Re arranged the columns on the Job Progress panel so that the most useful ones are shown first in the list.
Version: 1174
  • Added the ability to force check list questions on the app for a given Managing Agent.
  • Included app push notifications from the reminder option on tasks.
  • Improved the functionality of the 'Job Progress' panel by simplifying the toggle options into a single drop down list.
  • Moved the Invoice Panel list type drop down to the Filter 2 panel.
  • Improved the UI for relocating a site so that it pops up a spinner and a message while the update is being processed.
  • Added an 'Add' buttons to the diary page for quick adding of bookings and sales visits.
  • Made the diary view always show the sales and service panel even if no sales or service had been booked. this is to allow the 'Add' button to always be visible.
  • Temporarily disabled sending job tickets to reps via the app booking job ticket creation while a bug is identified within the process.
  • Improved the Jobs panel to remove all the check box options and instead have a simple drop down box option selection.
Version: 1168
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the company logo from being updated when a new one was uploaded.
  • Improved the Task email notifications to prevent multiple emails if the user did not dismiss the notification.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the SMS scheduler from functioning correctly if all options were active at once.
  • Improved allocation of stock parts to van stock. The overall Vans Stock count was showing an incorrect value.
  • Added an option to only include stock items on the app that are greater than zero.
Version: 1166
  • Improved the SMS schedulers
Version: 1165
  • Improved the rolling contract option to automatically deselect a value in the frequency drop down list when the rolling contract option is deselected.
  • Removed the duplicate search item when searching on C numbers or A numbers
  • Improved background workers to use timer tasks instead of thread pauses.
Version: 1162
  • Prevented mini search from split second flashing open then closed again if the search criteria was not found.
  • Added an additional SQL proc to mini search if the initial search timeout allowing a second attempt at search.
  • Made the mini search require a min of 2 search characters otherwise it keeps timing out.
  • Included the ability to search on a full string that contains special characters.
  • Fixed a bug that preventing adding a contact from the Job Ticket page.
  • Added push notification capability using firebase FCM
  • Created an option in mobile settings to force reps to complete the previous days work (optional parameter)
Version: 1160
  • Added a CIS element to the financials section
  • Added the date to the selectable images for email
Version: 1154
  • Fixed a minor bug when updating service contracts via MultiSave where it would remove the current contract status from products that were updated in the background
  • Added a background contract save when the current contract was selected.
Version: 1151
  • Created a new function to allow saving the same service contract details across multiple products there the Status, Start and End dates are the same.
  • Fixed a bug where the current contract option was not remembering the latest setting when a contract is deleted.
  • Made the table view remain on screen when save is pressed instead of always defaulting to Job History.
Version: 1150
  • When the setting for 'Auto Purchase costs update is set, an extra option has been added to allow the value to be allocated to labour if the PO is made out to a sub contractor.
  • Added in brackets the words '- (Sub Contractor) to the Supplier drop down list to easily identify sub contractors when creating a PO.
  • Added a drop down list of reps to the supplier page for when 'Is Sub Contractor is selected.
Version: 1149
  • Relocated the email phrases list to the top centre of the screen and added the Phrases button to the top ribbon bar.
  • Added related documents to the email page so that additional documents can be attached to email where required.
Version: 1147
  • Fixed a bug that prevented job ticket PDF from being created if a booked day had not been set. This was introduced at the time of adding hash tags for booked times.
  • New report for sales 'By Category' that allows filtering on the site category and the Lead Rep.
  • Created a table to store each document file path for a minimum of 6 months for later use in the emailer section to allow adding documents created elsewhere on the same site to be attached.
Version: 1146
  • Added Job Ticket hash tags for the current warranty company and the held until date.
  • Prevented bookings from being re booked to an alternative date if the lead rep has already accepted the job.
  • Prevented the removal of the lead rep if the rep has already accepted the job.
Version: 1145
  • Added hash tags to use the booking times for site time, time on site etc.
  • Allowed CKEditor email paste list of standard phrases to include single quote apostrophe's, this had been omitting all text immediately after the apostrophe.
Version: 1144
  • Added DATE MISSING entries for the Due Date on service route and service list where a user has deleted the due date.
  • Added an option in Mobile settings so that app users that accept a service route job are alerted that other jobs on that site exist.
  • Included all other job types in the service route panel where the Is Route option has been selected in the Job Ticket setup page.
  • Added a date time end hash tag for job tickets.
Version: 1143
  • Added the created date to the image folders for each folder created per job ticket when viewing from the site
  • Added the date / time that a document was accepted or rejected.
  • Added the accept / reject time and status to the document list.
  • Made sure the date picker closes when the Product Manger closes.
  • Added descriptive label to the distance column on service routes.
  • Added an option to show all routes on the Service Route console.
  • Limited the distance column mileage so that it only uses coordinates received within the last hour.
  • Changed the method of viewing Job Ticket files from the site from manually copying each one to the site to automatically show a folder of the job ticket on the site files tab if any files exist.
Version: 1142
  • Added an additional bar graph and pie chart to visualise user access to the system.
  • Improved the inline Map button (In the address panel) so that when the saved coordinates are zero, instead of showing a warning, an attempt is made to find the map location by querying google maps using the postcode. This occurs primarily when a site record has been imported from another source an has no Lat and Lng coordinates.
  • Added AutoDialer details section to the Product Manager.
  • Copied details of the SWL and Manufactured date from the LOLER section to the Product Manager.
  • Made the LOLER and Product Manager record details of SWL and Manufactured date to all service contracts.
  • Made new LOLER / service contracts read the previous contract details for SWL and Manufactured Date.
  • Added an option to Accept or Reject a Quote / Document.
  • Fixed bug where deleting a service contract failed to delete. This was due to when the form not being altered other than delete and the delete process was being terminated early and never reaching the delete process.
  • Added the LOLER visit history to the LOLER manager dialogue.
  • Expanded the use of the 'Care Of option for invoicing address to allow an alternative format.
  • Re positioned the pop up calendar on the Task dialogue to stop it always showing to the frr right of the screen.
Version: 1141
Publish DB updates to allow new app update
  • Added functionality to the options to allow adding bookings, new sites and new Managing Agents from the App
  • Fixed a bug that made the job ticket navigate back to the diary page despite originally arriving there from the site record.
Version: 1140
  • Added an additional label to the mobile app settings section to clarify what the option 'Enforce Customer Signature' means.
  • Limited the creation of documentation editor (quotes etc) to only create a version history entry if the current version has changes since the last version was saved.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when a managing agent diary filter had ben set but then the managing agent is made inactive meaning the diary filter would appear 'Not Set' but the diary was still filtering on the inactive MA.
  • Added the accept / reject circles to the Job Progress and also each individual job type tabs on the diary.
Version: 1139
  • Added a 'Time To Fit' panel on the assets page to record how long it takes to fit / install each individual asset.
  • Sorted the rep list in the service route tab into alphabetical order.
  • Added a 'Route' filter to filter 1 of the service console.
Version: 1138
  • Added a directions option from the Map button popup. this defaults to directions from the My Company location to the destination on the map.
  • Reset the Page Lock details on search to prevent occasional warning stating an existing tab is open.
  • Fixed a bug in the product QR code that showed the current product only when toggling through the products tab products.
  • Installation and sales job type added back into the drop down lists for new products that have an existing product that already has an installation or sales visit.
  • Added a link to the job ticket directly from the booking form when its a new job booking.
Version: 1137
Background Worker Updates
  • Added an additional stp into the mini search to handle initial queries where no search parameter had been entered. This prevents the main stp from timing out looking for null values.
  • Included a catch in the email background worker where a lifetime token has expired. this requires the user to re- authenticate.
  • If there are no results from the search query on the mini search popup, the dialogue now remains hidden.
  • Fixed bug that allowed the timeline rep share to also share to the job ticket when adding a job ticket timeline.
Version: 1135
  • Included archived sites when logged in as a call centre.
  • Added a page refresh to sites when the booking dialogue was open and a delete operation was performed on the booked day.
  • Hidden the delete key for bookings on the booking popup where the booked day had not yet been created.
Version: 1134
Prep for AI introduction
  • Bug fix showing incorrect address when adding a new supplier project.
  • Added quick link option to add a new PO directly from the supplier address panel.
  • Show the correct creation time on PO's in the RH menu, this was showing the tbl_ClientB creation time.
  • Fixed a bug preventing a new booking being added from the view all jobs option of the booking form.
  • Added back the option the save the booking form without a visit date.
  • Added a catch for the QuickBooks error code from the ID server. This is since their update of ID server responses made 4th May 2024
  • Prevented incorrect search history entries from showing when initially clicking into the search box.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a linked Job from being created when clicking the plus button from the Job Ticket.
  • Added back in the Supplier entry to the suppliers drop down list when on a PO for PO's that are raised from companies that are not set as suppliers.
  • Re positioned the calendar when selecting a PO invoice date so that the calendar is fully on screen.
  • Added an option on PO's to indicate if the invoice received from the supplier is a Pro Forma.
  • Added an option in the diary PO panel to show all PO's marked 'Is Proforma'
Version: 1131
Mobile First Cosmetic Update
  • Added popup option for job tickets to the site jobs history.
  • Expanded the height of smaller popups on mobile devices to avoid confusion with which save button goes with the current dialogue.
  • Update the mini search popup so that it show search history straight away instead of waiting until characters have been added.
  • Removed trailing comma from the popup and static addresses, including the clipboard text.
  • Improved the navigation of AutoMap by creating a top header on mobile browsers that allow the user to easily close the popup.
  • Removed unrequired buttons on AutoMap for mobile browsers where the screen is not big enough to support the option.
  • Fixed the save dialogue of all popups to the bottom of the screen if the dialogue is bigger than the screen in height.
  • Located the popup save dialogue permanently at the bottom of the dialogue when on mobile device.
  • Added quick links to quotes, PO's and invoices to the address dialogue of the service popups.
  • Improved navigation between pages when adding quotes, PO's and invoices.
  • Expanded the sales Tracker RH options to show bigger titles.
  • Rectified the contacts list / save / add new when the contact was from a Tracker  Project.
  • When a booking form is opened from Tracker, on save re open the tracker.
  • Added Project Quotes to the Company Record
  • Added filter options to the sales tracker follow up section on the diary.
  • Improved the layout of the sales tracker popup.
  • Renamed the Sales Prospect popup to Sales Tracker.
  • Added diary button Job Count to 'Projects' and 'Won Unassigned'
  • Made the popups move only if the screen is big enough for the full popup size, otherwise the popup is fixed centre and can be moved by scrolling the screen.
  • Added filter options to sales quotes.
Version: 1101
Incremental Update
  • Added Links in the LH menu for the Client Portal that allows the user to nav back to 'View Sites' from both the Site Record and the Job Ticket record. Also added a link in the Job Ticket to view the overall Job History.
  • Removed duplicate results in the search when the search criteria is a J ref or any other specific document reference. 
  • Added the Doc Reference to the RH menu of the Text Editor including the time / date and who logged it.
  • Added hash tags for the job tickets #OnSiteTime#, #LeftSiteTime#
  • Prevented the popup dialogue boxes from being positioned beyond the top of the screen. This prevents the user from losing the ability to re-position the dialogue if the heading is off screen.
  • Fixed a bug that if the dialogue box was larger than the screen height, it would be treated as a mobile device and positioned relative to the browser scroll position instead of the window height. This had the effect of making the popup jump to an position higher that required based on the scroll position of the window.
Version: 1100
Minor Bug Fixes
  • Updated the Client Portal to rectify a bug that prevented invoices, Service Quotes and Sales Quotes from showing if these had been selected as permissible documents.
  • Added a check on QuickBooks sync where QuickBooks returns the error You cannot select CIS accounts/items for a non-CIS supplier/customer.
  • Prevented the Unsort / Pagination numbers from scrolling with the table contents.
  • Updated the JobType reference for automated Job Tickets sent from the App so that the document type in the diary email list is correct.
  • Fixed the document link in the email client for general docs and service quotes so that when it lands on the page, the nav to the site record is correct.
Version: 1099
Minor Update
  • Added Managing Agent filter to the Routes diary panel.
  • Updated all stp's to limit the service view to 30 days due where the update the the main view omitted this.
  • Added Show all Routes to the Routs panel.
  • Limited the App Service Route stp so that the report only shows jobs within 30 days due. this needed rectifying due to lifting the restriction on the Service view.
Version: 1098
Improved Calendar control speed
  • Removed the diary restriction of Max 365 days. Now any date can be viewed on the diary.
  • Added Key account filter to the diary
  • Improved the password policy when setting new passwords to disallow certain characters and created better defined alerts on screen when a problem exists.
  • Added Managing Agent filter to Diary Menu Service Jobs. This includes the ability to sort high to low and low to high.
  • Service jobs can now be filtered on the usual 30 days before due date plus an option to view all future jobs.
Version: 1095
Database table Updates
  • Created a new table to store more than 3 days data for online user panel. This will allow reporting in future on how much user access has been made of the system. 
  • Improved stored procedures to be less reliant on tempdb temporary tables.
  • Improved the stp that sends data to the app in the main response to send new or changed data only.
  • Added an option in Mobile App settings to select the default Job Type for new bookings on the App.
Version: 1094
General Update with New Features
  • Added an option in the Mobile App settings to copy the reps report directly to the completion report
  • New feature to email a copy of the Job Ticket directly to the rep using the app on completion (Clicking 'Leave Site')
  • If a job from the 'Jobs Not Yet Booked popup is dragged to the Day diary (not week) it now updated the Not Booked dialogue by removing the job dragged.
  • Made the Invoicing console for Contracts without an invoice recognise when the MA Invoice Created checkbox is checked.
  • Added the Invoice column to the diary when in Day View
  • Complete improvements of Jobs Not Yet Booked so that the dialogue stays open when navigation days using the plus and minus buttons.
  • Improved the operation of the 'Recently Added' dialogue to utilise the API structure instead of doing it on postback.
  • Added more detail to the drop down list on a Job Ticket that allows you to relocate a product.
  • Separated the video and image data on the Job Ticket App Files folder so that the paid option applies for video.
  • Jobs Not Yet Booked updated to include PostCode, Tag and Make / Model fields.
Version: 1091
Service Log Improvements
  • Allow upload of Company Logo for use on the service log and also the default stationary used for new companies.
  • Added the service history for Service and LOLER job types to the service log.
  • Improved the upload of images to the Product Manager. This now defaults to the Company Logo.
  • Show green descriptive labels in the Product Manager QR code section explaining what it does.
  • Improved the search to include references that appear to be invoices, document references but have been entered in other fields. Originally these were not included in the results.
  • Added the day name to the day diary date. 
  • Made the day name on the day diary colour coded for weekdays / weekends.
  • Fixed an issue where the email signature of another rep was not being published when another user logs the details.
  • Added Job Count to the diary tabs Orders, Job Progress and Pending Action
Version: 1090
General updates & Improvements
  • Added a Company 'In Dispute' Report
  • Added a Site 'Void Invoice' Report
  • Added a Company 'Void Invoice' Report
  • Edited the Site Sales by nominal code report to split on the varying code values to retain the actual value.
  • Altered the Job Ticket heading 'PO Files to 'Local Files'
  • Altered the Job Ticket heading 'App Images' to App Files'
  • Altered the Job Ticket heading 'App Image Share' to App Files / Email'
  • Added an option to the Invoicing Panel to list Contract Invoicing service contracts that do not have a linked invoice.
  • Added the payment miss match values to the supplier payment sync.
  • Limited the Invoicing panel results for Job Tickets within the criteria selected to the last 12 months.
Version: 1089
Added Out Of Service statement to the App preferences
Version: 1088
General Update
  • Improved the Address Search when adding a new site. Entering a Post Code now pulls up all addresses at that location including the house number.
  • Fixed a bug in the client portal where archived products would show.
  • Fixed links on the client portal and call Centre access types where clicking the main part of the search results did not do anything
  • Prevented changes to the client portal / Call Centre preferences from changing the way the system works for the logged in user.
  • Removed the ability to change Admin options from call centre and client portal.
  • Added the Access Type Client Portal and Call Centre to the AccessType column on My Company.
  • Correctly show the Client Portal option access type in the users profile.
  • Forced the receipt dialogue to record only on its own JobType and made the update of the Payments table only update on Invoice Job Types.
  • Updated the Call Centre Portal to add options in the Settings section to allow any Job Type, Any Date for booking and edit any other Rep's existing Jobs.
  • Included the AccessLevel in the main response 'PageData'
Version: 1083
Bug Fixes and Additional Features
  • Prevented financial records from opening if the record does not exist or has been deleted. This includes documents where the site, product or company that the invoice belongs to was deleted.
  • Fixed a bug that threw an error when the PDF generator was unable to determine the Canvas image.
  • Added Invoices and Purchase orders to the client portal.
  • Fixed a bug on the call centre portal that was introduced by a previous update.
Version: 1082
Client Portal Additional Options
  • Added the ability to allow viewing sales and service quotes on the client Portal
  • Added the sites list to the client portal to save the user from searching when there may only be a few.
  • Fixed a bug in the Client portal that showed products in the product list that did not have that managing agent set.
  • Moved the 'AutoMap' button to the right of the title bar so that it can be shown by the app. This was temporarily obscured due to the screen width since adding the new quick link buttons.
  • Improved the labels on jobs consoles to prevent wrapping when the screen size is too small to fit the text.
  • Fixed bug in the new top menu bar to check for null buttons before styling them. This prevented any of the buttons from working for those users that did not have permission to see all of them.
Version: 1081
Improvements to the user interface
  • Added descriptive strap lines to the invoicing panel explaining what each list means.
  • Added descriptive label to the invoicing panel to explain what each list means.
  • Added a descriptive strapline to the Job Progress panel.
  • Added a descriptive label to the OOS panel explaining that this could be automated by the app.
  • Added a red warning to the PO list / panel where a supplier has not been selected.
  • Added a label explaining that when Email Replies are set up in 'My Preferences' it will only work on email replies that show in your email Inbox. IT WILL NOT WORK if a rule has been set that moves the mail to a custom folder on outlook as it will never hit the Inbox.

Created a background worker event to auto update the job count shown in the diary page buttons, this is on a 5 min scheduler to update each button in turn.

Incorporated several more updates to the App Bookings job type labels in various places on the system.

  • Added descriptive labels to the invoicing activity list.
  • Added quick link buttons for Job Progress, Sync,Invoicing, OOS and PO's that duplicate the actions of the same buttons in the LH menu. These have been added as they are often used and this update saves scrolling down the page all the time to find the buttons.
  • Improved the return of job tickets into the invoice activity list to eliminate those that show a zero outstanding balance but returned a 'No Invoice Found' response from the Sync.
  • Included an 'App Booking' job type in preparation for the app additional ability to book a site job directly from the app.
  • Improved handling of asset purchase and sales through invoice where the asset quantity was not being updated correctly.
  • Included all assets in the selection grid for details lines where only those linked to an assembly were being shown.
  • Limited the file size of the document editor to prevent overly large images from being dropped directly to the document. User is advised to use the file uploader where many more images can be included.
Version: 1077
Informative Labels
  • Added labels and restrictions to service contract jobs on both the booking dialogue and main job ticket page highlighting the effect of ticking 'Ready For Invoice'
Version: 1076
Interim Update
  • Renamed the Sales Stage labels 'Enquiries', 'Leads' and 'Opportunities' to 'Enquiry Stage', 'Pre Sales Stage' and 'Completion Stage'
  • Improved the data fetch speed of the custom values section.
  • Added a descriptive label to the Contract Manager dialogue to emphasize what a Contract Invoice is
Version: 1075
Update the way new invoices are prompted
  • Added an optional control to prompt the user when adding a stand alone invoice that if the invoice is supposed to be linked to a Job Ticket, it is better to create if directly from the job ticket where it is automatically linked.
  • Minor bug fix to popups dragged off screen and the main page is also scrolled.
  • Increased the width of the notice prompts.
  • Show the invoicing options on the booking form but disabled for users that do not have permission to use them.
  • Added a flashing envelope symbol to the Support button. This is because some users receive our reply email in spam and don't realise we have sent a reply.
Version: 1074
Minor cosmetic update
  • Updated CSS for IptPaleb that controlled the textarea notes section for asset notes section to allow a scroll bar to the RH side of the notes input box.
  • Included the column search phrase in the CSV report when a table is filtered on a particular column. I.E. limit the results to those that contain the search phrase.
  • Prevent the popup dialogue boxes from being positioned beyond the top of the screen.
  • Removed 'Is Subcontractor' option from My Company as this is irrelevant for that account type
  • Tidied the 'Account Type' panel of Company Accounts so that items in the box remain in position should account type options change
Version: 1072
Publish Web Updates
  • Added a resize handle to the textarea tags allowing a user to expand the details boxed vertically where required.
  • Reports - Financial - Credit Notes were failing when setting a date range. This has been rectified.
  • Added descriptive labels to the document designer letter head selection radio buttons.
  • Included the name of the company when an error is generated, func_Validation.
  • Altered stp_AVAPI_GetDataAsync8 to update the tbl_ProductType CompanyID to the current request ID so that check lists can be listed for sites where no Make / Model has been defined.
  • Updated SQL to show the correct Job Ticket reference number in the activity. This was defaulting to the next new number in the sequence.
  • Added a banner to the add new visit dialogue that prompts the user that if there is no site, there will be no address detail when the job is sent to the app.
  • Removed the 'Paste Rep Report' button when the device is a mobile device as the button was incorrectly located on a narrow screen.
  • Added ProductMisc3 and 4 to the client record RH menu if a value exists.
  • Added ProductRef3 and 4 HashTags to the JobTicket PDF.
  • Updated the booking form to use the Auto Category function so that if a job type is linked to an Auto Category then the booking form will update to use the cat automatically.
  • Added a warning alert when a user attempts to send an email to a recipient where the recipients server rejects the mail due to insufficient authentication.
Version: 1069
Created a FREE edition / general updates
  • Free edition will automatically apply after the 14 day trial of the full account.
  • If no one logs into the account for over 30 days, the account will be deactivated. (contact us to re-activate)
  • If the account remains inactive for over 90 days, the account will be deleted.
General Updates
  • Allowed single quotes when pasting rep report. This required escaping otherwise it would miss out all text after the single quote.
  • Added a general tasks section to the background worker that runs one a day at 6am to do general house keeping tasks.
  • Added Vehicle asset MOT, TAX etc schedule date to the daily background worker to increment dates that are active on the system to add a year if the date has expired.
Version: 1068
Web update for SMS

Added web app ability to read landline's as a mobile number to enable SMS service if the number starts with 07 or 447.

Version: 1065
SQL Server Updates - SMS schedule


  • Added Landline 1 and 2 as part of the checks for mobile numbers where users may have inadvertently entered a mobile number into a landline field.
  • Expanded the hit rate of possible SMS send's to include jobs entered outside of the selected time advance setting. I.E. jobs added late in the day for schedule sms for the morning.
  • Allowed a null value for the user AVI when no user image had been uploaded. this did not cause an error on the UI but did cause an error in SQL
Version: 1065
Publish updates to the Diary LH menu, add new account dialogue and default stationary.
Default Stationary

Updated the code to make sure a default stationary set is used when creating new documents. This was required for new users when first attempt at creating stationary may be done incorrectly. this update makes sure at least the document can be still created albeit on our default stationary.

Diary menu and add new account dialogue
  • Added explainer labels to the add new account dialogue
  • Split the add new account types (Site, Managing Agent, Supplier) onto separate radio buttons instead of a drop down list
  • Created separate menu items on the main diary menu for adding a new account
  • Polished the main menu on the diary to make the headings of each section clearer
Ios: 1.174 - Android: 2.177
  • Fixed a bug on the android app that prevented users with an older device from logging in.
Ios: 1.174 - Android: 2.176
  • Created Tabbed job lists for easier navigating between lists
  • Included the additional rep notes to the job pool job descriptions.
  • Added creating own tasks directly on the App
  • Fixed a bug where a user has 2 phones with the same app loaded, the job persisted on the 2nd phone the day after the booking even though it had not been accepted.
  • Android service contract label fixed so that it auto truncates if the name is longer than the available space on the screen.
Ios: 1.165 - Android: 2.170
  • Added page titles that reflect the page being viewed.
  • Added the ability to search the database directly from the diary page.
  • Included a number of informative labels to indicate what the page is for.
  • Added a help option to the LH pull out menu.
Ios: 1.162 - Android: 2.167
Added Firebase Push Notifications
  • Improved the refresh capability of checklist data based on the individual device rather than by the user login.
  • Removed duplicated assets from the parts list.
  • Included the site product image on the push notification if one was uploaded.
Ios: 1.159 - Android: 2.165
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the rep on the app from being changed if it had already been allocated to an alternative rep.
Ios: 1.158 - Android: 2.162
  • Update to iOS allowing the Booking Confirmed check box to be updated more frequently.
Ios: 1.157 - Android: 2.162
  • Minor update to catch empty IsoBookedDates
Ios: 1.157 - Android: 2.161
Functionality update and bug fixes
  • Removed fields that overwrite user input that was previously used to allow simultaneous login on 1 or more devices. This now logs new data only on each device.
  • Changed the code that gets the Image file name so that it now does not look for a now non existent ServBID. 
  • Removed the check for ServBID in the stp that logs the incoming images where it had to convert it to a ServAID.
  • If an app is re installed, reset the PicID / remove temp mobile app images from the temp table so that they do not get rejected due to having the same PicID
  • Add the ability to add new sites on the app.
  • Add the ability to add new managing agents on the app
Ios: 1.145 - Android: 2.149
Publish Android / iOS updates
  • VAT statement is now included in the response for the Android.
  • Made sure the Rep signature time stays as it was on the Android without updating it to the same time as the Customer.
  • Added audio to the Android Video's.
  • Added a spinner when the Android is processing a Video.
  • Update the filename for video and images to send back a negative ServAID instead of a ServBID.
  • Fixed a bug where images / video sent through with a ServAID (negative value) were not saving to the correct folder. This was sending to a ServBID folder instead.
Ios: 1.144 - Android: 2.147
Minor bug fix to include service job history on Android
Ios: 1.144 - Android: 2.146
Added the ability to Book a Job directly from the app
  • iOS rep signature time now remains the same until its changed.
  • Added an option to show if the product is OOS in the notice panel.
  • Made a check on the version of app installed vs the last version synced on the system. If these are different, download the Parts / Make Models etc again as the tables on the app may be empty.
  • Improved the 'Stay Signed In' capability
Ios: 1.137 - Android: 2.144
Update STP that sends jobs to the app
  • Updated the STP that sends jobs to the app to make sure they are still sent if the rep signature date is not yet set but Leave Site has been actioned. This allows the app to send signatures in the background before the Leave Site option is complete
Ios: 1.137 - Android: 2.144
iOS app published
  • Improved background signature send while phone is out of signal, also allowed accept to be pressed where EnforceCustomerSignature was set. This prevented the app from working.
Ios: 1.135 - Android: 2.144
Publish Android
  • Improved the background service for signature save particularly when in a poor signal area.
Ios: 1.135 - Android: 2.142
Publish iOS app for Signature improvements
  • Updated stp_AVAPI_Save_Signatures6 to send the job back to the rep on the app if the EngLeftSite was still set as 1900.01.01
iOS crash occasionally

When entering the signature and saving, the app occasionally crashes. This was because the out of service save routine had a bug and was preventing the signature from saving correctly.

Ios: 1.134 - Android: 2.142
Android app published / Bug fix
Signature bug fix on Android
  • On the signature strip for Android, removed the back arrow which allowed the rep to ignore adding a signature.
  • Prevent the android app from sending signatures if the rep did not enter his own signature / or if the signature data files are empty.
Ios: 1.134 - Android: 2.142
New feature update - Both Apps
This update requires all app users to move to the latest version as it includes some important bug fixes to the way images and signatures are handled.
  • Use FormData to send images.
  • Use FormData to send signatures.
  • Updated the app to allow video at varying quality and length. This will be a future paid enhancement.
  • Bug fixes and UI improvements.