Field Service Management

How Does it Work?
Our field service management module allows you to easily schedule and dispatch field workers, assign jobs, print job tickets or send notifications direct to your technicians. By utilising mobile devices details can be accessed direct allowing each technician the ability to record faults or site details, and capture customer signature on completion adding location time and date of every job.
Signature Capture
By capturing the customer and service engineers signature, these are automatically embedded within a PDF document which can be sent to your customer for their records, or if you are a sub-contractor, the main contractor may require these prior to paying your invoice.
Service Level Agreements
If your business works to deadlines set by your customer, utilise the SLA function built right in to AutoVu. It will allow you to set timed deadlines individually for each customer. Should the time expire before the engineer attends, your nominated person will get a kindly alert!